Monday, September 5, 2011


It is blurry - but it the only picture we have of all 3 of us!

Life is seriously moving along too quickly. All of a sudden it was the night before the race. We had a great week with Aaron’s brother and our niece in town, but it has been seriously busy. I had been planning to sneak in my 20 minutes of each run, bike and swim during the week – but there really was no good time. I got 6 days of ‘rest’. I think the more difficult thing was that my focus was so far away from the race. I wouldn’t go back and change it, but we just might say it wasn’t ideal for being mentally prepared for the race. We had a wonderful time playing, celebrating Camry’s birthday, seeing the stars at Mauna Kea and even did a complete circle around the island Friday and Saturday. I took off from Volcano on Saturday after lunch and gave myself 2 hours to get to Kona for the mandatory race meeting. I thought that was plenty of time, but should have left 20 minutes sooner. It turned out to be fine and I only missed a few minutes of the meeting. I got my race packet, got my arms stamped with my number and headed back home where everyone was. We headed out to one last dinner before taking Jeremy and Camry to the airport. It was beautiful sitting on the deck of the Royal Kona Resort overlooking Kailua Bay. We headed to the airport a bit late, got them on their way and headed back home. Autumn fell asleep at 7:15 in the car and transferred into her bed and she slept the rest of the night. I packed my bike up in my car and headed to Angie’s to leave the bike there to load in the truck and eat some quinoa pasta. We talked about random race things, the craziness of the week and our excitement for the morning. I left at about 8:30 to get all my other race things together. I’m glad I looked up a tri packing list on line, as my brain was not up to the task of figuring it all out. Swimsuit, goggles, cap, sunscreen, bike helmet, gloves, shorts, shirt with number pinned on and a snot rag, socks, shoes, towel, running shoes and hat, wash cloth to carry and another sunscreen (there were 2 transition spots).

My biggest mistake – not thinking about what I was eating the 2-3 days before the race and especially Saturday. We had pretty much been on the go since Thursday and so we had eaten out many of the meals. Sushi, Thai, eggs, burger, quesadilla’s… My digestive system really needs fiber and eating out doesn’t usually provide this without a lot of conscious focus on ordering the right thing. I knew my system was backed up a little bit – but it hit me Saturday night that I was going to have to proactively get things moving to be comfortable for the race. Ughh.. Saturday night before bed I had a cup of decaf coffee and ate applesauce with flax meal and bran. Expected some results and didn’t get them. Woke up with a stomach ache, had weird dreams and finally crawled out of bed at 4am. Decided prunes and regular coffee was my best bet to be able to race on an emptied system. I was right. Once I knew it was working I also had a small shake with berries. I was a bit worried that I’d crash from the coffee since I don’t usually drink it – but it ended up being okay.

I got my stuff together, put on my suit and warm clothes, then hopped in the truck with Angie and Isaiah. 5 ½ hours of sleep and coffee and prunes for breakfast– thought this could be pretty interesting! We parked and got our bikes set up. We drove over to the Keauhou Beach Resort where T2 and the finish line were to set up our running gear. We caught the shuttle back over to the bay and I made a pit stop. At this point I was getting a little nervous I’d over done my ‘medicine.’ The sun was coming up and we hung around prepping our bike stuff a bit more, putting on sunscreen and talking over our nerves. We went to the water and warmed up a little bit before the start. They were starting us in waves.

Us women got pink caps and put at the end of the wave line. Kind of weird since many women swim faster than the guys. Oh well. After the first two waves of racers took off, we swam out to the start to tread until the start. It was a nice warm up. I think about a 1/4 mile just to get to the start. No turning back, here we go! A high five with Angie and "BANG!" Race gun went off and so did we!

Swimming in the ocean with a bunch of other people is interesting. My goal when I started training in May was to swim as much of it as I can in free style. I think I transitioned to breast stoke about 5 x, mostly to look ahead and only once to rest. I felt like I did a pretty good job of staying with the pack, but I definitely slowed up when little bubbles got too close to my face! The water was stunningly beautiful and got really cold the last 1/3 of a mile as we must have been over some freshwater outlets. I got to the finish and ran up the coral in path in 34 minutes and 49 seconds. I put a watch on my wrist and started at the gun so I'd know where I was at for total race time. I was happy, as I wanted to swim it in under 35 minutes.

Transition 1 was the most challenging transition - your wet and have so much bike gear to get on. After pulling my shirt on, my shorts on and having also put on gloves, hydration backpack, helmet, sock, shoes and sunglasses - I was a bit envious of those who had a tri-suit on and just threw on their shoes, sunglasses and helmet and took off. I also was rightfully worried about 1.5 hours in the sun after swimming. I quickly put on another layer of sunscreen on my arms. After I was on the bike I remembered that I didn't lube my legs - too late now! Up the big hill I went.

The race starts off at the bottom of Kamehameha III Road and climbs up to 650 feet in about 2 miles with 4-6% grades. This was the 4th time I had rode the hill in the last month and if felt about the same as without the swim, just long and slow. They stopped all traffic for us - it was awesome! No stopping, slowing or thinking about cars! They even closed the steepest part of coming down the hill into town - so we had the whole road to ourselves! I honestly don't remember much passing or getting passed - I think maybe 6-10 people went by me and I passed a few. I tried to push my speed, but honestly zoned out a bit. I wish I had focused on using my up swing a bit better - oh well - I did just keep going!!! Getting to OTEC felt pretty good - the first 13 miles. It felt a bit up hill and so I thought getting back into town would be easier - wrong! The wind was straight in our face and I struggled to go 14 mph. At about this time my back got tired and my bum was starting to get really numb. I looked forward to getting on Alii and feeling close to the next transition. We rode down the big hill on Kaiwi and didn't have to stop at the signs - so much fun! Once on Alii I tried to crank but hung out around 17-18 mph. I was happy with that and felt pretty good when I got to the transition. I hoped off, ran to my stuff, racked my bike, took off the backpack, switched shoes and put on another layer of sunscreen. I got to the start of the run and the lady sent me back for my race number I forgot to put on my front - opps. Okay - now I was on my way. Switching from biking to running is so hard for my legs. It is like they don't work right. I think running backwards might be easier and possibly faster! Other than the lead legs I felt okay. Right after you start the run - they run you up a wicked 150 foot incline in less than 1/3 of a mile. Most people were walking up it and I had decided I wasn't allowed to walk any of the run. I didn't go much faster and my calves were on fire. The next 6 miles were certainly going to be interesting! Once at the top of the hill I tried to stretch my stride out, but really my legs decided the speed they could go and I followed their lead. Mile 1 passed and then it felt forever to get to mile 2 - even though it included the down hill. Surely my watch was lying! At that point I decided that not walking and finishing was sufficient for success - 11-12 minute miles were going to have to be okay. After the downhill they ran us out on a lava trail run for a mile or so. I felt lucky to have not rolled my ankle - I didn't really train for that terrain and it is a bit different than the road! From the lava until we got back to the bay we ran on either grass or the golf cart path along the ocean. The scenery was stunning! I had to keep reminding my self to look around and enjoy it! After we ran through the Sheridan, we ran towards the bay and then just for fun they ran us up a little path straight up hill and back down. It was pretty, but I could have gone for a loop around the flat parking lot instead. Next we went across the little bridge, through the sand volleyball court, next to where we exited the swim and up Kam III. WHAT - I have to run up Kam III - it was only a couple of minutes, but ughhhh... at mile 4, this about did me in! One last golf course crossing and the finishing line couldn't be too much further. I smiled and gave shakas to the cameraman and got really excited to hear the people at the corner of the golf course and Alii say a 1/4 mile!

I could tell there was someone close behind me and decided I didn't want to be passed. I think was likely the fasted section of the race for me - I even passed a guy once I was on the hotel grounds. I'm glad I didn't fade and was able to keep the faster pace all the way to the finish line!! My watch said 3:19 and my official time was 3:20:09! The gal behind me was 6 seconds later and actually in my age group - now I'm doubly glad I didn't let her pass me! (-: Aaron, Autumn, Tosh, Angie and Isaiah were there to greet me at the finish! Done! I made it!

I knew stopping wasn't a good idea. My body wanted to collapse and my brain wanted to keep moving. After a few minutes of hugs and stretching we gathered our stuff to take to the truck and get a shower. Luckily it was a long walk and then we showered at Kahaluu. My body appreciated the walk and although tired - it didn't hurt too bad. I really wanted a massage and I really wanted food - food won! We laid out the grass mats, piled our plates with food (only the racers got food included) and shared! We watched the top finishers awards! Angie got 4th in her division (which ended up being same as mine, we later found out) and got a lei and bracelet on the podium!! So so cool! So proud of you Ang!!!

My thoughts! Why an Olympic triathlon? I'm not real sure to be honest. We life gaurded the race Ang did in 2008 and there I said I'd like to do one someday. Angie and I have talked about e-training together for one over the past several years and it didn't happen. We were going to shoot for the April 3rd Waikoloa Lavaman - but Aaron's wisdom that training while working full time in the winter was unlikely to be successful was heeded. Angie called me in mid-May and said lets do the Keauhou Lavaman - and I signed up and paid that day. We were a go! It was perfect timing - I'd have time to train when I wasn't working too much over the summer in Colorado and we'd be close enough to do the event in August. (at the time I signed up we thought we'd be moving to Maui, not Kona) I was also excited because it would be before I turned 30 or wanted to start trying for another baby.

Total Mileage since May 2011

Total miles biked : 267

Total miles run: 86.4

Total miles swam: 10.3

I knew an olympic triathlon is quite a race - not something I'd be able to do without proper training. It is hard enough to be a challenge, but not outside of the realm of possibility. When people ask me how it was I respond by saying that if it had finished after the bike I would have touted about how easy it was. After the run, I find the race nothing other than difficult and character building. It certainly gets to go on my list of 'most challenging physical things I've ever done.' I don't see my self getting too much more into the triathlon scene any time soon - as it is a time sink - but it is a really nice balance with the 3 sports. I felt like my body was both more worked and more rested while training than when I have done only running. Who knows what the distant future holds??? You can't help but wonder in your mind if your body could be capable of doing a 1/2 ironman or even a full one! (-:

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Full on Bike

This morning Angie and I met at T1 with our bikes and set out to bike the entire bike portion of the race course starting at 5:40. We had a rough start with some tippsys - yes I did fall over at the light at the top of Kaleiopapa. I was going to hit the crosswalk button without getting off my bike and then a car appeared and tried to get off the bike and leaned the wrong way! Oh well....

Kam III was not too bad and Ang smoked it! I finally caught up to her at Makala because she had hit red lights. Thank goodness I hit them all green or I wouldn't have seen her until the turn around. The ride out to OTEC is fast, but not easy and then the wind blows in your face on the return. Once we got back to town the ride on Alii was good and all of a sudden we only had a mile left! Took up 92 minutes on Angie's clock - it stops when she stops - so I'm hoping it is close to what my real time without stopping would have been. My goal is to ride it on race day in 90 minutes.

Oh, Angie found her big chain ring today and so I'm not going to be surprised if she rides it in 75 minutes next week!

8 days and counting - this was the last big training day. Every workout next week will be pretty easy!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Run and Swim

Tonight after work I ran Wailua road - it's been on my list to do before the race and today was really my last chance to try to run it all before I need to start more heavily tapering for the race.
After 5 minutes I could tell that my heal was starting to have issue with my sock/shoe combo )-: I pulled my sock up and it seemed to make it worse. I ran until every step all I could think about was my heal and decided I should turn around. I made it 2.6 miles up the road/trail - so back to the car was a full 5.2 in about 48 1/2 minutes. 9 minute 18 second miles - not bad with a 550 foot total elevation gain!

I quickly chatted with my mom and hoped in the car to meet Aaron and Autumn at the pool. I swam for 35 minutes without stopping - so about a mile. Felt good - but I'm super ready for bed!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Talleyed up my miles to help encourage me!

Since May 23rd

Total miles biked : 217

Total miles run: 75

Total miles swam: 8.6

The Bike Course

My eyes opened at 4:57, I shut my alarm that was supposed to go off in 3 minutes off and shut my eyes. "Am I going to get up, I'm so tired, I really need to go..." Then the words of my friend's Doctor rang through my head a few times "Sometimes it is good for you to make your body do things it doesn't want to." I rested a few more minutes and around 5:10 I crawled out of bed to put my bike gear on. "It is still so dark out there." I ate a muffin, packed everything up and headed for the car. I decided I didn't have time to park on the far side of the bay where the race actually starts and parked at the bottom of Kamehameha III road. Right as I parked daylight started to break and I could see the two Puu's at the top of Hualalai mountain. I tried to reset my bike computer and it jammed again, so I have no data other than my stop watch and maping the course. The first 2 miles is a 650 elevation climb. From the top I wanted to ride it out through town on Queen K just to see what it was like for the day of the race. Of course the steepest part is the most narrow, but it wasn't too awful bad. It wasn't as fast down as I thought it would be and still quite a bit of effort to get past Henry. I also got stopped at 2/3 lights and had to walk and hit the crosswalk to get across the highway. The right on Alii wasn't bad, but my legs were certainly fatiqued. I joked a few weeks ago that it might be better to ride up the steep hill from the pit instead of running up it and I renig all comments of that sort after riding up it with tired legs. I nearly didn't make it on my bike! That .3 miles and 150 foot climb is super killer!!
I'm glad I got up - the ride was tough, but good to feel what the course is like and beautiful! As I turned back south Mauna Loa was lit up pink on the horizon! I can't get enough of the blue ocean, flowers, greenry and mountians here in Kona!
So - today I did 15 miles in 60 minutes. The race is 24.8 miles without the slow climb at the end. So... my goal is to finish the bike in under 1 hour 40 minutes.

My goal for the race is 3:20 - 35 minutes for the swim, 1:40 for the bike, 60 for the run and 5 for the transitions.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Holy cow - I haven't updated since the 3rd! Between working and being sick it has been a rough go at it to get exercise in - here's what I've been up to.

August 3rd - short swim - about 25 minutes

August 7th - ran 6.5 in Waikoloa in about 65 minutes- longest run yet

August 8th - 11th stinking sick....

August 12th - biked up Kam III and then around up and down hills along Alii

Today - ran a tough 4.45 from Keauhou resort to the bottom of the road below the hokalia gate in 42 mins! Really hard - but felt good! 200 foot elevation gain twice with 4-5% grades. 9 minute 26 second miles - smoking for me!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Short run - no bike

I tried to go biking yesterday - forgot my helmet and found a broken spoke... so no biking 'til we get it fixed.This morning Aaron needed the car - so I ran to work - it was 1/2 the distance of Sunday and felt 2x as hard... 3 miles in about 28 minutes.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Running, running

Well - based on my first calculations I thought I had a steller run - but after mapping my run, it wasn't quite as good. Oh well...

Ran 5.8 in 55 minutes and 30 seconds
9 minute 34 second miles

Sure felt faster )-: Oh well - it felt good and I got the miles in - so that is great!!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Oh Dear!

The last post on here was the 16th of July! One day before Mayhem began! Sunday the 17th I drove to Vegas with my dad and rode the NY NY roller coaster. Monday the 18th we drove the rest of the way to the shipping company in San Diego, dropped the car off, rode the city bus to downtown and walked to the airport. Took a one way flight back to Denver, met back up with Aaron, Autumn and my mom. Tuesday the 19th we went to the butterfly pavilion, took naps, ate dinner with the whole family and finished getting all our stuff ready for the plane. The 20th we flew to Kona on different flights, registered the car (another story), looked at an apartment and crashed at a friends coffee shack. The 21st we took showers with the chickens and then looked at 6 rentals and chose one to live in, moved to another place to spend the night because we have a suspicion that Autumn is allergic to the cats at the coffee shack. The 22nd we shopped, played at the pool, picked up a queen bed, pack all our stuff and moved into our new unfurnished condo.

Oh, exercise - a friend of the near past... Finally on the 23rd I hoped on my bike and joined my triathlon friends on a long killer bike ride up Napoopooo - 2100 feet and 18.5 miles. Lungs felt pretty good - legs were pretty done for!

Sunday we did a free sprint triathlon - it was not the smoothest - but we had a lot of fun. We got there around 7 and thought the race started at 8 - to find out it started at 7. We barely made the start. Isaiah smoked the swim, but waited for us. This was my first open water since March and it actually felt pretty good - about 1/2 mile. The bike was not bad, but then the run... my legs didn't think it was such a good idea. They were in cement mode for about the first 2 miles, then the loosened up and the last mile was not so bad!

So, that was Sunday - today is Saturday and I don't have much to show for the week. Although I did hike for 3.5 hours today getting lost on the side of Hualalai! Fun stuff! I'm trying not sweat it to much - as I had to work and all my other time has gone to friends or trying to find furnishings for our house. Tomorrow I plan to swim at Kailua bay before I go yard sale-ing and then run at some point.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Short Bike and Run

Yesterday I rode up to the fish hatchery and then out to Sunny Acres - about 5 miles. Didn't time it.

Today a short but intense run up mitchell creek - 2.1 miles up 200' elevation gain in 20 minutes and 30 seconds.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Long sunset run

Took 3 days off and needed to get moving again.

Ran 5.6 miles and it felt pretty good. Ran up Mitchell Creek 160' elevation to simulate going up from the pit. Got a side ache after a mile, ran it out and then it felt easy until the slight uphill at 3.5 miles. Not bad again until the uphill at 4.8. Was a push to finish until the house - overall was a good run. 55 minutes 30 seconds - 9 minute 55 second miles.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Horsetooth loop and run

27.9 miles with a couple of good climbs. Felt pretty good - except the last 5 miles did not feel flat at all! Didn't have a bike computer and my brother in law went way faster - so I don't know times and averages.

Decided to try to change cloths and run a short distance just to see how it felt. Definitely awkward, legs felt really slow and jerky. Went 1.77 in 16:32 .

Friday, July 8, 2011

Short run and swim

Ran about 2.1 in the hot sun and about 100 foot slow elevation gain - didn't feel great, didn't time it.

Went swimming .9 in about 35 mins about 80% in free style, feeling more comfortable.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


6.5 mile hike in RMNP around 8000-10000 elevation with the pack and Autumn on (35-40 pounds) my back.

Need to swim and run tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

In the Light Rain

3.23 miles in 30:30, 9:26 minute miles

Back at it...

I took Sunday and Monday off.

Tuesday I got up at 6am with my brother in law and rode 30 miles. I thought I was choosing the shorter ride - but nope... it is longer and steeper than Masonville through to Horsetooth. It was mostly flat except the 1.2 miles and 430 foot climb up to Carter Lake. Total elevation gain from the house to Carter Lake is 850 feet.

Tuesday during Autumn's nap I swam for about 30 minutes - didn't keep track distance at all.

Today I'm tired, but really should go run while Autumn sleeps.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saturday run

4.625 miles - 42:55 minutes
9 minute 16 sec miles (in the sun and with .3 of it down hill without going back up)
Painful but got it done.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Four Mile Higher

Got my 18.5 miles in today - road back up 4 mile road toward Sunlight Ski Area. It is a 870 foot elevation gain, the steepest part being the last 4 miles to where I turned around. Felt pretty good - climbing still feels slow, but not as painful.

1 hour 15 min 40 sec
18.53 miles
Max Speed 36.3
Average Speed 14.7
6 round abouts and 3 stop signs

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Quick run

Went out hoping I'd get my 42 minutes on flat land and it started to get dark. Got in 28:40 - 3.077 miles, 9:10 minute miles. Definitely came out of the gate faster than I finished - I did the first .77 miles in 5:50 - (7:35 mm), the next .77 in 7 mins, the next .77 in 7:50 and the last in 8min.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Swim and game plan

I took the last 2 days off to see if that would help alleviate the ache in my right knee - so far so good.

Swam .9 in 35 minutes today. Tried to do the stroke technique I watched on you tube keeping my elbow high and not pulling until my hand is under my elbow - isn't quite natural yet. Did a few laps with the kick board and then another 3 focusing on my stroke. I think I'm to the point that I need someone to watch and give me feedback.

Game plan -
This week -
Tonight Bike 13.1
Wed - Run 4.8
Thurs - Bike - 18.5
Sat morning Run 3.8

Next week
Sunday - Evening Run 2.8
Tuesday - Swim 28 mins
Wednesday - Bike 8.2, Run 3 miles
Thurs - Hike all Day in Rocky
Friday - Swim during nap time
Saturday - Bike 11.5 (or longer if a friend wants to do Rist Canyon)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mesa, CO

I'm at my grandparents in Mesa for the weekend and needed to get my last run of the week in. My knees are still a bit achey from yesterday's bike - those nasty hill repeats on 12-14% grade really were not great for the long haul. Oh well - keep icing them and they aren't sharp shooting pain - so that is good.

From my grandparents you either run up hill or down hill, so I ran 1.3 miles up hill first and then back. I didn't realize how steep it was until after I mapped it. Went up 292 feet in the 1.3 (4.25% grade) - knew it didn't feel great and realized why as I easily glided back down on the return. The first .6 of the race is a 5.7% grade - so hopefully it feels similar.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Marmot Crossing

I finally decided to go for a ride today - the hardest part is just making my self go. Once I'm on the road it is easy to stay there. Momentum! All about momentum!

I rode from the house down Midland to 4 mile road up toward sunlight. I turned around when I got to 36 minutes and unplugged the calculator to cool down at 58:16.

Stats -
15 miles
Average 15.5 mph
Max 40.2
Several stop signs and stop lights

I learned from the guy who passed me that I'm a better follower than leader - I could easily keep up with him, but wouldn't have gone that fast on my own. Also I'm very glad that the marmot that crossed the road did not come back out when I was going 40 mph down the hill.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Test Run

Got the Brooks in the mail today and took them for a test run. Love them!

Today I watched a few you tubes on running technique and thought I'd push for a longer run.

50 min 20 sec - 5.24 miles

9 minute 35 second miles

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Swam a Mile

Yesterday Autumn and I played with friends at the community center and then I took her home for a nap while I went back and swam. (a great perk of having a work from home daddy)

I took 5 pennies this time, a suggestion of my husband. It worked great to keep track of my laps on a kick board at the edge. I warmed up practicing breathing with the kick board and then swam the full 32 laps to make a mile. It took me about 39 minutes - I had to fix my goggles once and lost a few seconds each time shifting pennies. (that and I suck at turning). So all in all, I'm still hoping to do the .9 on race day in less than 35 minutes. I think I did about 60-70% in freestyle and the rest in breast stroke. I need to keep watching you tube videos and practicing.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

CeadarCrest - SunnyAcres Hill Repeats

They say you only get better at hills by riding hills - fewey!!! My parents live on the side of a mountain and the road one over goes up 180 feet in .3 miles (11.3% grade) and then does the same thing on the way down. I did this 2x and then road down the flat road and back to the back side and road it. I thought the back side was a little less steep but I was wrong. It is a 220 foot gain in .3 miles a 13.8% grade. The bummer is that you loose the momentum on the way down because you loose all the elevation in .3 miles, have to brake not to kill yourself and have a stop sign at the bottom.

Stats: 8.17 miles, Avg speed 10.6 mph, 46:18 minutes, Max Speed 35.4

Friday, June 17, 2011

Another run

Well - I've only done 1 bike, 1 swim and 2 runs this week and that will likely be good enough. Would like to think I will be able to do a bike tomorrow - we'll see.

Today I ran home after work at the hospital. Didn't feel as good - but I did it. My right hip felt funny the last mile and a half and I stopped to stretch it a bit. Not painful just off. Definitely a slower pace - 3.8 ish miles in 37 and 1/2 minutes. Eager to get my new Brooks as I feel these shoes have worn down too much to be good for longer runs. Ran by the river and it is raging - crazy full and lots of logs and stuff racing by. Partially spilling over on to the path in 2 spots - sure the rain this evening tipped over to be impassable.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bike and Swim
June 12th: biked 21.5 with a friend over the Horsetooth Dams - about 5 good climbs - one being a class 5 road. The ride was good to climb, have my butt in the saddle and peddle over a longer distance. Felt really good and my recovery after the hills was good.

June 13th: AM swim - went to the senior center at 6am - not a good time to be there - too busy for the small facility. Got 15 minutes of crawl and kick board in and then another 300 yards of a faster pace crawl that felt really good. The lady I shared the lane with did 2 laps while I did 3. So that feels good. The more I swim the more comfortable it gets and the longer I can crawl - I'm now hoping to do at least 1/2 the race in the crawl!

June 15th: Run in Glenwood

Hit the road and felt pretty good! The first 17:30 felt really good and then the next 9 minutes was a push (and most of the climbing) and then the last 9 were good again. HR at about 155-160 until I hit a hill at 1.8 and then it hung out at more like 165-170 until I finished.

Total was 3.7 miles in 35:41, a 9 min 38 sec miles pace

Felt like I was going a bit faster, but at least if felt sustainable.

Friday, June 10, 2011


@ the Senior Center Fort Collins

28 1/2 Laps = .81 miles in roughly 27 or 28 minutes
2 min 5 sec per 100 M

If I did all the math right and counted my laps correctly - then I'm sitting at being able to do the .9 miles in under 35 minutes! That makes me a little excited!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Swim, Run, Bike

Monday - I didn't end up biking to work - not enough time

Tuesday - Took my nephew with me to give me pointers! No idea how far or long we swam - it was intermittent and more for technique, but did get 30-40 minutes of swimming in.

Wednesday - Ran to our friends for dinner - about 1.8 and I tried to keep my speed up but accidentally reset the timer 1/2 through. about 16 mins.

Thursday - Biked Horsetooth to the Masonville 4 miles sign and decided I couldn't do another hill! Rode 16.2 miles in about 67 minutes and averaged 14.5 miles per hours. I've got to get my hill speed up - on the steep parts my goal was 6 mph and I stayed pretty close. Was able to keep my flat land speed between 18 and 19. I don't like riding at a high cadence (like staying above 60 is a chore) - but need to get better with my gears and keeping my cadence up.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Catch Up

Run - June 5th

33 minutes - 3.4 miles, 9:42 minute miles - that pace for the 10 K would be under 60 minutes - which honestly I'd be happy with after the swim and bike!

Ughhh... totally sucked wind for the first 23 minutes, felt better for about 7 minutes and then struggled the last 3.

Might have been the root beer I had for dinner 45 minutes before my run. Done with carbonated soda for a while! I'm not going to say not until the race - but at least not within 3 hours of when I'm going to exercise.

Bike - June 4, 2011

I biked to work and then to my inlaws. 16.5 miles total - no idea on the time - didn't reset the bike computer. Remembered why the first ride is nice - no butt pain yet. Definitely feeling bruised on the saddle and figure it will be another 10 rides before it doesn't hurt so bad. I'm messing with my schedule to make it easier for us - since we only have the one car I will use my work days as my bike days - so back to Loveland on the bike Monday.

Sore - June 3rd

Think I tweeked a muscle in my groin swimming yesterday - thought I would be better to wait a day than push it and have to take more time off. Plan to ride tomorrow. Not really sticking to my schedule - but at least I'm going at it.

Mini Swim Lessons - June 2

I went to the Fort Collins Senior Center and got a 10 pass for the time we are in N. Colorado this summer. Thought I better go ahead and commit the money so I'll actually commit the time in the following weeks. Swimming is by far my most technically challenging event of the triathlon. I grew up with swimming lessons each summer, I enjoy surfing and playing in the water - but have never found swimming to be a way I want to exercise. I can nearly count on my fingers how many times I've been in the pool strictly for exercise. I know my breast stroke is my most sustainable stroke but that I'm indeed a bit faster at the crawl. I went into this evening thinking I needed to work on my crawl so that I can do more of the race in it...

I started my work out by going down in breast stroke and coming back with the crawl - it felt okay but not great. After 15 minutes of this I took a break and the life guard asked how it was going and huffing I said - "ahh I don't know." After some small talk I ended up asking if he would take a look and advise. He said my crawl looked fine, but can I sustain that speed - I answered no way. He gave me some pointers on my breast stroke on how to make it more energy efficient. Super helpful. He said he thinks I should stick with the breast stroke and maybe throw in some crawl when it makes sense, as my breast stroke is almost as fast as my crawl. So then I did several more laps of breast stroke and 2 laps of crawl and confirmed that making my breast stroke stronger might be the best route. I feel like I'm going to sink after being tired to start with and then doing 100 m of crawl! Then I did 200 m of breast stroke without hardly feeling tired. Will be interesting to see what ends up being my best bet!

So I swam 15 minutes straight then for about the next 20 minutes intermittently.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Swapped swim with run

So yesterday I didn't swim, so I was going to try today - but I decided running would be easier than getting to the pool.

Ran 4.1 miles in about 40 minutes - 9:45 minute miles

I'm feeling good about my training at this point - but realizing that the run at the end might be the most challenging part of the race. It really takes it all out of me - and that is without swimming and biking first. Today I 'hit the wall' where I didn't feel like constantly stopping at 22 minutes and could go into cruise control - but my cruise is set to slow! I have to keep reminding myself that the goal is to finish - not to be fast!

Tomorrow I'm going to try to get to the pool and swim!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Got the bike ready to roll! Haven't rode a bike for exercise since 2007. Decided Horsetooth would be a good test ride - in 20 minutes I made it to the Deer crossing sign just after the lake sign. Averaged about 14.4 miles an hour.

32 minute ride - 7.7 miles - only had to stop for one light.

Horsetooth hill is 1.2 miles long and about 2.5 from Taft Hill Rd.

Alii to Mamalahoa is 1.5 miles, from the water to Mamalahoa is 2.7

Both are about 500 feet in elevation gain - so at least I know I can make it up Kamehameha!!

Now to do hill repeats so I get faster!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Training Schedule

SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayWeek Tot.

Run (med)

Bike (short)
Swim (med)

Run (long)
Bike (med)
Swim (long)
Bike (long)

Week# 1
R: 3.00 miles

B: 7.30 miles
S: 1450 Yd

B: 10.20 miles
R: 3.70 miles
S: 1800 Yd
B: 14.40 miles
1h 02m
S: 3250 Yd
1h 46m
B: 31.9 Mi
2h 16m
R: 6.7 Mi
1h 28m
Week# 2
R: 3.30 miles

B: 8.10 miles
S: 1500 Yd

B: 11.30 miles
R: 4.10 miles
S: 1900 Yd
B: 16.00 miles
1h 08m
S: 3400 Yd
1h 52m
B: 35.4 Mi
2h 32m
R: 7.4 Mi
1h 38m
Week# 3
R: 2.10 miles

B: 5.00 miles
S: 950 Yd

B: 7.10 miles
R: 2.60 miles
S: 1150 Yd
B: 10.00 miles
S: 2100 Yd
1h 08m
B: 22.1 Mi
1h 35m
R: 4.7 Mi
1h 01m
Week# 4
R: 3.40 miles

B: 8.40 miles
S: 1550 Yd

B: 11.80 miles
R: 4.30 miles
S: 1900 Yd
B: 16.60 miles
1h 11m
S: 3450 Yd
1h 53m
B: 36.8 Mi
2h 38m
R: 7.7 Mi
1h 42m
Week# 5
R: 3.80 miles

B: 9.30 miles
S: 1600 Yd

B: 13.10 miles
R: 4.80 miles
S: 2000 Yd
B: 18.50 miles
1h 19m
S: 3600 Yd
1h 59m
B: 40.9 Mi
2h 55m
R: 8.6 Mi
1h 54m
Week# 6
R: 2.40 miles

B: 5.80 miles
S: 1000 Yd

B: 8.20 miles
R: 3.00 miles
S: 1250 Yd
B: 11.50 miles
S: 2250 Yd
1h 12m
B: 25.5 Mi
1h 49m
R: 5.4 Mi
1h 11m
Week# 7
R: 4.00 miles

B: 9.70 miles
S: 1650 Yd

B: 13.60 miles
R: 5.00 miles
S: 2050 Yd
B: 19.20 miles
1h 22m
S: 3700 Yd
2h 00m
B: 42.5 Mi
3h 03m
R: 9 Mi
1h 59m
Week# 8
R: 4.40 miles

B: 10.80 miles
S: 1700 Yd

B: 15.10 miles
1h 05m
R: 5.50 miles
S: 2150 Yd
B: 21.40 miles
1h 32m
S: 3850 Yd
2h 06m
B: 47.3 Mi
3h 23m
R: 9.9 Mi
2h 12m
Week# 9
R: 2.80 miles

B: 6.80 miles
S: 1050 Yd

B: 9.50 miles
R: 3.40 miles
S: 1300 Yd
B: 13.40 miles
S: 2350 Yd
1h 16m
B: 29.7 Mi
2h 07m
R: 6.2 Mi
1h 22m
Week# 10
R: 4.60 miles

B: 11.30 miles
S: 1750 Yd

B: 15.80 miles
1h 08m
R: 5.70 miles
S: 2150 Yd
B: 22.30 miles
1h 35m
S: 3900 Yd
2h 08m
B: 49.4 Mi
3h 32m
R: 10.3 Mi
2h 17m
Week# 11
R: 5.10 miles

B: 12.50 miles
S: 1800 Yd

B: 17.50 miles
1h 15m
R: 6.40 miles
1h 04m
S: 2250 Yd
B: 25.00 miles
1h 47m
S: 4050 Yd
2h 14m
B: 55 Mi
3h 55m
R: 11.5 Mi
2h 33m
Week# 12
R: 3.60 miles

B: 8.80 miles
S: 1300 Yd

B: 12.30 miles
R: 4.50 miles
S: 1600 Yd
B: 17.50 miles
1h 15m
S: 2900 Yd
1h 34m
B: 38.6 Mi
2h 45m
R: 8.1 Mi
1h 47m
Week# 13

B: 8.60 miles
R: 2.70 miles
S: 1300 Yd
R: 0.00 miles
S: 0 Yd
B: 0.00 miles
S: 1300 Yd
B: 8.6 Mi
R: 2.7 Mi

Still at it

Thursday - attempted to use my dad's bike and didn't have time to figure out how to take the basket off and adjust it to my height.

Friday - worked a 9 hour day walking and hucking people out of bed.

Saturday - worked and then walked 4 1/2 miles - Got the bike out of storage. Bike needs air and tuned up.

Sunday - 20 minute run and then 20 push ups, tri dips, lunges - 50 crunches - 30 hip ups, ab twists, leg raises, and calf raises. Feel like I should have run further.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 25th

3.1 miles - 31 minutes no stopping, .6 mile walk and another short jog

About 27 minutes swimming - about 4 breaks - no clue how many laps

May 23rd

2 miles in 19:55